Quality Control


In the production process, experienced professionals in the quality control department equipped laboratories, different methods of analysis, regularly and accurately check the quality of products.

Soot and masterbatch:

Soot used for special black plastic, which protects against UV rays. The average size of soot particles by 10 Nm up to 20 Nm When the colorless mass of moving with the pigment and soot and gets a tube-shaped, the minimum required strength of the resulting black mass must be equal to 8 - 0 mil. pascal. In addition, the black mass must meet the requirements of paragraph 4.3; its ability to weld shall meet the requirements of paragraph 4.4; its ability to influence the water quality must meet the requirements of national standard 14427. The carbon black used in the production should shift from a special type of plastic to protect from UV rays. The average size of soot particles by 10 Nm up to 20 Nm When the colorless mass of moving with the pigment and soot and gets a tube-shaped, the minimum required strength of the resulting black mass must be equal to 8 - 0 mil. pascal. In addition, the black mass must meet the requirements of paragraph 4.3; its ability to weld shall meet the requirements of paragraph 4.4; its ability to influence the water quality must meet the requirements of paragraph 5, the national standard 14427


1. Since the pipes are installed on the ground, and under direct sun light, soot is used as a stabilizer against light, and plays an important role in their longevity. Therefore the amount of carbon black should range from 2 to 2.5%.
2. When the tube is used as a main pipe (HDPE), is due to the likelihood of exposure to direct sunlight, durability pipes are directly dependent on the amount of soot, which should be from 2 to 2.5%.


Physical specification of pipes
Mechanical specification of pipes